I’m not a very creative person. My collage will be straight forward. I am confused by the written directions and what we talked about in class.  The written directions seem so straight forward and say the grading is on our analytical lens being turned on ourselves and reflect on our progress. But, reading posts, it seems everyone is getting really creative.  I guess I will find out Monday in class. We are almost done with the semester. Only a week to go! Thank God! I need a break. Then we will start next semester and I will have English 102. I think I am ready. I did enjoy this class but found the writing hard for me to do. Everyone got so involved in discussions that you got to know people pretty good. I learned a lot about sustainability and our environment. It seems like this week will be easy. I feel I have done pretty good this semester. I have got to where I kinda like doing my blogs. I’m glad we didn’t have to write a lot of papers in class although we did a couple. I’m just really confused on the self-reflection paper. I wish I would have taken notes in class. I think I’m missing something. I think I will always remember this class and the challenges I faced. I really put my mind to this class and I guess I have done pretty well. I was really worried at first. Now, I have a sense of accomplishment.

            I looked back to my first blog entry which was a self-introduction. I was looking for how I described myself as a writer at the beginning of the semester. Math has always been my strongest subject. Writing was new and had always been difficult. What happened as I read the self-introduction though was a flood of memories came to mind about my fears of the computer and this thing called blogging. I had heard of blogs, but I had never read one. I certainly didn’t think I was ever going to be able to write and post one. I had never even sent an e-mail! Suddenly, English 101 wasn’t just intimidating because of the writing. These fears of writing, blogging, and computers filled my head. I didn’t even give the reading that would be necessary in the class a thought.

            This came from my reflection on the first essay, The One That Didn’t Get Away, “For me, writing is difficult, but it does make it easier to write about something I know so well.” As difficult as writing is, I am much more comfortable writing about my own life experience. The first essay was very frustrating. The assignment was not as specific as I am used to. This created confusion for me because I couldn’t get the whole concept and how to tie in the environment and sustainability. I worked very hard on the paper and thought I had it until I got back the graded essay. At this point, I am beyond frustrated and am developing a bad attitude. It is taking a lot of effort to stick with it and just get through the rest of the semester.

            In addition to my difficulties with writing, the reading in this class got to be very controversial and I was exposed to some ideas for the first time. The Nietzsche paper was the most disturbing to my belief system. As a Christian, I was surprised to see how many people in class did not believe in God.  This exposure, however, did not change my belief system at all. I did go on to blog about Spirituality. It did motivate me to speak out. As the readings went on, I was struck by the negativity regarding the condition of our environment. In fact, the following is from my weekly post. “I’ve been thinking about Save the Whales, Screw the Shrimp. Joy Williams was so negative and accusing in this essay. She blames me and you for the state of our environment. It’s not my fault. In fact I want to take care of our planet. …I think there are a whole lot of people who believe like I do. Our country tries to take care of the environment.” My persuasive essay took a stand against Williams’ analysis of the state of our environment. However, this is a subject that my opinions did change during the course of the semester. The readings and writings did open my mind to move closer to Williams’ point of view. After Reading Eaarth and watching Wall-e, I really started to see the extent of pollution and overconsumption and the effects they are having on our environment.

            By now, I am more ready to write the Wall-e paper. I learned to use my resources better. Those resources include Cynthia and the SIUE writing center. I rented Wall-e and kept it at home watching again and again. I have been writing all my weekly blogs, responses, and reflections. I am actually enjoying blogging! Working on the Wall-e paper is easier since my eyes were opened and more educated to the state of our environment. I don’t find myself disagreeing like I did with Williams’ essay earlier in the semester. I’m finding again, that when you know more or agree with the subject matter, it is easier to write. The peer review sessions have been very helpful. I am looking forward to getting my grade back. I am proud of the work I did.

            I am realistic about my writing and the progress I have made this semester. I have made good progress in writing. I am pleased that I am passing and feel ready for 102. The reading and blogging have made more of an impact on me. The reading material has changed opinions I held prior to this course. I do look at the environment differently now. Prior to this class, I thought we were doing enough to protect our environment, and now I see that we are not and am very concerned. I see what I can do and what a difference one person can make. The reading material also exposed me to ideas that I was not exposed to before. I have totally surprised myself with blogging and the responses from classmates. I was intimidated by the computer at the beginning of the semester and now I use it almost every day. I learned how to use Microsoft Word, MLA format, and e-mail. These are skills I will need in the future.

On Thursday I got into a car accident in O’fallon. I injured my neck and was at the doctor Friday. I got in for the appointment and missed class. I would much rather have been in class. So my holiday break started off in pain. I wasn’t able to finish my paper until later the following week after my neck was feeling better. Having missed Friday’s class, I missed the advantage of  having my essay critiqued. The critiques have been very helpful.  I have rewritten after each critique. The last page was very difficult and I realized just how valuable the critique has been. The most difficult was being able to conclude. I found myself looking back to the thesis and first paragraph often in order to get the last page right.  It was difficult in the summary to know how detailed to get.  But, I made that mistake early on with the thesis and first paragraph.  I finally settled on the conclusions restating the main points. It has been very difficult writing, keeping thoughts organized, and concentrating while taking the prescriptions for my neck injury.

Wall-e’s statement on the role technology plays in leading to dehumanization, obliviousness to environment, and obesity as normal for the human race illustrates the consequences we are currently facing and will continue to face into the future if we do not make changes. Dehumanization is making someone less human by taking away his or her individuality, creativity, and unique personality aspects. It includes the person losing sensitivity and compassion towards others. In the movie, people have become so dependent on technology their only experiences and communications are via technology. The human experience, face-to-face communication and touching another human being have been lost. In reality, America has been on this path for some time. The obesity problem in the world and specifically the United States is moving in the direction depicted in Wall-e. Poor nutrition, in Wall-e, and in America today coupled with the lack of exercise in Wall-e and America today, are the leading causes of obesity.

The movie opens with a bleak and desolate scene of Earth. Humans have destroyed the planet with waste and it is no longer inhabitable. These early scenes in the movie foreshadow the lazy, wasteful, dehumanized state of our society that we see later in the movie. Technology provided the solution to an uninhabitable Earth in the form of a luxury spaceship equipped with the latest gadgets to make life easy. Humans were going to cruise in their luxury spaceship, the Axiom, for five years while others were cleaning up the planet for their safe return. However, even the latest technology could not make Earth inhabitable again. The five year cruise turned into seven hundred years. In the end, humans have to resist the excess of technology to get back home to planet Earth much the same way we currently need to resist technology to prevent consequences as severe as seen in Wall-e.

The first we see of humans in the movie is when Wall-e follows Eve to the Axiom. It is startling to see that all humans are obese, dressed identically, and helpless. It is clear technology has played a large role in their current state. Humans on the Axiom are lazy and obese because technology is so advanced there is a machine to do everything for them. They are always in their hover chairs, they do not walk anymore. In Wall-e, humans are on a circuit in their chairs moving around the Axiom for their every need. Humans do not even have a job that would provide some exercise. A stop in the beauty salon shows that today’s barbers and stylists are replaced by robots. All manual labor that humans currently do has been replaced by robots. If a human is hungry or thirsty, they can drink a meal from a cup delivered by a robot. Because all humans are obese, convenience and good flavor appear to take priority to nutrition. This is like the current state of American society today that drives through fast food places to eat.  It tastes good but leads to obesity. Far too many Americans today do not sit down at the dinner table to a nutritious, home-cooked meal as a family. Technology has allowed Americans today to drive our cars to a window and order junk food that can be prepared in seconds. The food is called junk food due to its poor nutritional value and high fat content, but it tastes good. Fast food is a leading cause of obesity in America today just as it is in Wall-e.

 Humans around the Axiom are speaking to each other through the use of technology and their face is always on the screen. In fact, they only focus on the screen in front of their face and are ignorant of their environment. They are zombies, with no mind of their own. They are not even aware of the human in the chair next to them. This is much like our laptops, i-pads, and cell phones today. Dehumanization and desensitizing in America today has already begun. Our social networking, texting, and gadgets today have replaced writing letters, making telephone calls, and simply talking to each other face-to-face. You can see this on campus watching people text as they walk. Dehumanization and lack of compassion are currently at an all-time high. Texting, Facebook, and other gadgets allow us to be less sensitive. It is easier post and send cruel information than say it face-to-face. We have cyber bullies and kids committing suicide over texts and Facebook posts. It is easy to see that the lack of sensitivity and compassion in American today could lead to the levels seen in Wall-e.

Then Wall-e bumps into Mary. This character is introduced to emphasize the points being made by the previous scenes about the dehumanization of our society. What some viewers may not have interpreted from the scenery and population on board the Axiom, Mary clarifies. She is startled to actually see around her when Wall-e bumps into her and knocks her monitor out from in front of her face. Mary goes from being startled to curious. This is already the beginning of change for the human race. Mary sees her environment for the first time. Until today, she did not know there was a swimming pool on board the Axiom.

Mary will eventually talk to another human, John. This is the first intimate moment we see in the movie with humans. It is the beginning of change that is to come. While Wall-e and Eve are outside the ship playing, Mary, still exploring her environment, watches with awe. As she backs up her chair she bumps into John. Mary takes John’s screen down like Wall-e did for her. She is already sharing her experience with another human being. During this, Mary and John touch hands. Mary takes him to the swimming pool that she only recently discovered herself. They get their feet wet and enjoy splashing. The human experience is being enjoyed and shared.

Meanwhile, the captain, with the use of technology, and inspired by a green plant Eve brought from Earth, is curious about all sorts of activities from long ago. He gets very excited learning about hoedowns, dancing, and farming. The captain sees how humans once connected by touching, dancing, and celebrating. He also is captivated by the green grass that once existed on Earth. The captain researched an old manual and discovered his new directive was to return to Earth since it could sustain life again. The green plant Eve brought back from Earth is a symbol of a different way of life for humans on board Axiom, a new life. The green plant becomes the inspiration to resist technology in order to go back home.  This is much the same way we currently need to resist technology to prevent consequences as severe as seen in Wall-e.

Auto, however, sees the same plant as a threat to his directive to never return to Earth. This directive overrides the captain’s knowledge that he should return to Earth. The captain’s belief is so strong that he fights Auto for what he believes. During the fight, the captain appeals to the other humans on board. A war breaks out on board Axiom between humans and machines. This is a climactic moment in the human struggle to resist technology, think for themselves, and dream of a different life on Earth. During the struggle, humans are knocked out of their hover chair; this is symbolic of the change from their current dehumanized state to thinking for themselves and connecting to the human experience again. Humans join together bound by a common cause, to return to Earth. The captain wins the struggle with Auto. Eve, Wall-e, the rogue robots, and the humans all help to get the plant safely secured. This sets the Axiom’s course for Earth.

After landing on Earth, humans begin to restore the planet. Humans are now walking again. Crops are planted, using technology as assistance while they perform the work themselves. After hundreds of years in space, humans have evolved full circle to live and experience Earth as it was.

Wall-e’s statements on the role technology plays in our lives can be very bleak at times. However, as in real life, there is still opportunity to change. Wall-e shows us how using technology can lead to dehumanization, obesity, and a complete lack of awareness of our environment. Currently, in America, the same trends are happening. Technology is an addiction. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions, especially childhood obesity. The children in our country are playing video games instead of playing outside and getting exercise. The adult population doesn’t fare well either, leading the world in adult obesity. Proper nutrition and exercise are not priorities. Americans have their face on some sort of gadget screen so many hours of the day, they are less aware of their surroundings. Instead of a family outing to the lake for a day of fishing, you can simply play a video game to catch fish. This is leading to less awareness and exploration of our environment. Technology has also changed interpersonal experience and communication.  It is no longer necessary to have a discussion face to face. Our gadgets let us text and e-mail. Social networks like Facebook, allow us to update our friends and family with news and photos without ever having to speak with them. Just like the humans on board Axiom, change can start to take place one person at a time. It is not too late for America to change.

This peer review session was very good.  I got a lot of information, especially on my introduction. My introduction had too much information that was really should be part of supporting claims later in the paper. I felt it really went good in class. But I still wanted to talk to Cynthia. I met with Cynthia and she also thought the introduction got into the support for claims that should come later. Also, my choice of words needed some changes. Plus I didn’t make clear why a statement was a problem. I got into a car accident after school today and need to cut this short.

Peer review on Monday was very helpful. Even as I was writing, I was struggling with my first paragraph and pulling my ideas into a main point. The  feedback on this has been helpful to me to rewrite and be more clear. The other thing that was most helpful was the feedback that I didn’t have much connection to the outside world.  It was in my head what I wanted to do and was trying to say, but I had not made the connection in the pages I had written. Most of the grammatical feedback I disagree with. There was really only one sentence and one ida that my reviewer liked.

This week i responded to Mathew K.

After watching Walle again, I think I am going to focus my essay on our dependence on technolgy and how it is taking our focus off our enviroment. The only thing is I am not sure how to tie this in with our other readings. On Axiom the people were so interested in what was going on with their monitors that they did not even pay attention to each other. It seemed as though the art of  having a coversation with someone face to face had disappeared. When Walle knocked that women out of  her hovering chair, that reminds me of a wheel chair, she started noticing the enviroment around her. She was looking out the spaceships windows at Walle and Eve doing their space dance. She began to notice all the people around her and even began a relationship with a man. She noticed the swimming pool that had been there for years without her ever noticing it before. She started to really enjoy her enviroment and even went in the pool with her boy freind. This all kind of reminds me of the students on campus with their I-phones and texting while the are walking, not really paying attention to others around them and sometimes using their phones in class and not paying attention to what is going on. Also on Axiom the machines took care of everyone, even grooming and cleaning them. The people all got fat and lazy. The machines even made up everybody’s mind for them, telling them what to do. After the big struggle with the plant happened and everyone got knocked out of their chairs and there was mutiny, the people started to see what going on and became invovled. Once they reached Earth and the tecnology was behind them, they started to stand up and walk and really enjoyed rebuilding the planet.

I commented on siuecouger rawr and the weekly post about the animal abuse pamplet.

It sure was nice to have a day off of English 101. I had time to do my algebra homework. Well, Wednesday we got to see Walle again. I noticed a few details I missed the first time around. Axiom started out to be a five year cruise and turned out to be more like seven hundred years. I notice that the people on Axiom were lean and healthy when the cruise first started. Looking at the pictures of the Captains on Axiom I noticed they were trim and thin at first and as time went by they turned chubby and then to fat. I wonder what happened to make them fat? There was a jogging track so I guess they had a gym. They also had a great swimming pool. There was a woman that Walle ran into on Axiom and knocked her monitor screen down. As she hovered around in her chair she noticed there was a pool. She had never noticed that before. This makes me beleive that she always is looking at her monitor screen. The big comfortable hovering chairs they all sit/lay in keeps them from getting up and walking. The people on Axiom have all become lazy, letting the machines and technology take care of them. I noticed that the machines bring them what they need without them even having to move. The machines even brush their teeth for them and groom them also. The machines even tell them the new style for the day and they all change clothes to that color by pushing a button. Is this going to happen in our future? I beleive it is already happening.